Sunday, March 8, 2009

the coaches

Feeling appreciative of the men who coach John in tennis. He spent three days in Fresno this weekend with his team and this picture has captured two of them before their double's match. I've always prayed for men of faith who would be mentors for our boys. Here pictured Coach Ken doing the fist pump (a la Oakland A's) with John and Coach Jim, with whom John will be also going to Costa Rica in June. The director of John's Confirmation program is also a man of faith. Gratitude abounds. Oh, and did I mention that Uncle Mike drove to Fresno with Pete to watch John and high school tennis, 2009? My cup overflows! Praise God from whom all blessings flow... sung.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

HOw great that John has a community of men to support him!