Wednesday, March 18, 2009

between patrick and joseph

It's march 18th, 2009. Yesterday was the feast of St. Patrick and tomorrow is the feast of St. Joseph. According to the Church calendar, today is the feast of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop and doctor of the Church having lived in the late 300's. His writing still exists ... some of which is aimed at catechumens during Lent in anticipation of Easter baptism. I find it very touching that a bishop 1900 years ago wrote to his pupils, or his flock, explaining the essential truths of the Catholic faith. How foreign did his ideas about the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine seem to those neophytes? How lovely were those truths to citizens of that era? What was their experience of the "good news"? What explained their eagerness at taking the leap of faith? I have always felt priveleged to witness the rites surrounding the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?) process, and most especially to hear their stories. Their faith has always strengthened my own. In gratitude for their teachers, their sponsors, and for the faithful in the trenches who every day struggle to live out their vocations. To all the saints! Herewith, Cyril:

1 comment:

Jennie said...

And to our brothers and sisters in the churches of the East!