Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

John, #22, blocking.
Persevere. What a great word. I feel like that's gotta be a favorite with Life Coaches, or any coaches for that matter. In today's gospel, Jesus warns the disciples that they will be betrayed by all, including family. How can that be? Well, I've done it myself to the people I love. When I've challenged a decision they're making because I know better, or I think I do. I've been on the receiving end of that kind of challenge, too. When I was out of college I told my mother I was thinking about volunteering with the Jesuit Volunteers and she said, "oh, no, you don't want to do that! You should just get a job and start paying off your loans!" and I thought, well, I really do want to volunteer, but she's my mother and what do I know! I deeply regret that I listened to her and that I didn't seek out other advice. I ended up working for a crooked lawyer in downtown Oakland and honestly I can say that I didn't gain anything from that experience. In fact, it was a loss. What is the take away from this experience? If there is something that one feels called to? Persevere. Don't let someone else puncture your dream.. especially so easily! Listen to the One who speaks in that still small voice and hearken. Therein lies Real Life. It takes some practice though... listening and acting. Another facet of this whole dynamic is that sometimes it has been precisely because someone has challenged me that I have become clearer about what it is I am called to. So, I guess I have many people to thank for that too!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

tuesday, november 23, 2010

Tuesday before Thanksgiving! The trees still have lots of beautiful colors .. the rains have only recently started. Let the parties begin! Robbie is on his way home. Billy will head home tomorrow. Tommy will come home on Thanksgiving. Hot Damn! I wanna fast forward to the time when they are in the house and all the cleaning and shopping and cooking are done and it's time to just be in the presence. But first, I gotta vacuum. and stock up.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

King of Kings, November 21, 2010

Today is the Feast of Christ the King. I don't really relate to the person of King, but I just listened to a reflection on the significance of this feast for the Church, and I have to admit, I was swept up in the fervor of the song from the Messiah... recalling the words, "King of Kings, forever and ever, hallelujah, hallelujah" and the joy of that celebratory acknowledgement. I too celebrate the compassionate one who is one of us... the greatest lover of mankind... who gave flesh to the truth of our beloved nature too. Prince of Peace. Lord of Lords. I remember the first time I sang "The Messiah" with a choir in Berkeley. The Cal music department provided the music and we borrowed the libretto from them, and Peggy and I struggled along leaning on the other altos in the group, which was hard because I remember liking the tenor and bass parts too and some of the soprano as well. I pretty much chimed in where ever I recognized the melody. It was a heady experience and having never really looked at the words before, I was very moved by "He was despis-ed" and the mournful sound of that song. and then of course the Joy of the Hallelujah Chorus. I'll be singing again this year with friends in Pleasanton at a Lutheran church and I can't wait.. Dec. 10th. Lift up your voices, O Jerusalem.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

saturday night november 13, 2010

The sunset tonight was otherworldly. Driving home from Sacramento this evening the sky was a pale pinky peach in streaks across the western sky. As we drove across the Benicia Bridge and past the mothball fleet standing guard on the water below us the water reflected that same calm pink. The effect left me feeling nostalgic... because I sensed the fleeting nature of this moment and the darkness to come that would envelope that sweet pink light. Happily we were not far from home... We would be cozily tucked in before night had descended. and then, the lights came on in our house and the oven heated up and warm water poured forth from the faucets. Ah home! We had leftover Thai food for dinner and a few Hershey's chocolate kisses and a cup of hot tea with milk. I sent money tonight to a couple in North Carolina who seek to help the homeless there. They described meeting people who live in the woods there off the grid... hard luck stories that would defeat anyone... Sue and Bill feel called to live sorta like St. Francis... except NOW and while I could never do what they do.. I am hopeful that my check in the mail will give them a shot in the arm.. to keep the faith. I am grateful to them for allowing me to be a part of their outreach. Peace and All Good.

Friday, November 5, 2010

november 5, 2010-Friday

Pete and I saw the play "Dracula" this week at the Lesher theater in Walnut Creek. It was a creepy, dark, sexy (I'm just telling the truth) production.. very well acted, staged, lit, and costumed. What am I missing? I have to admit that I like the whole vampire theme about as much as I like rollercoasters.. as in, not very much. However, I felt like I was in very good hands with the entire show from soups to nuts. Nothing amateur-ish about it. There was humor too which was a relief from the frightening stuff. Our venturing out in the middle of the week just for fun felt a little dlinquent. John was home with a cold, missing his volleyball practice. He enjoyed the quiet and the solitude no doubt. Man, I gotta toughen up!! Truth be told: I'd just about rather be anywhere with the boys than not.. well, until they start farting or telling inappropriate jokes or discussing the play by play action in the you-name-it game. I've only recently taken to excusing myself from the dinner table to go read a book when that starts. But, even then, it makes me happy to hear their voices from the other room. Robbie and Martha come home tomorrow... MORE VOICES!!