Sunday, July 5, 2009

freeing theology

ooh, a theology that frees... or a theology that is free. Both are nigh impossible, because only God can free, really, I believe. We can really only see as in a mirror darkly. When we see Him, we shall see clearly. In what ways are we particularly blinded these days? Look around! who are those who are marginalized? who and what parts of US are not invited to the table? I'm reminded of dinner tables. Who does all the talking? What topics are forbidden? What is not talked about are those things that culturally and personally we are not prepared to cope with. So we don't acknowledge or welcome parts of US. The rules are more or less established and we maintain a civility for everyone's comfort, rather than extend a genuine love. Within each family, there are acceptable norms, often rooted in personal comfort levels. As we become more comfortable with more of US, more parts of us, then we can accept who ever comes to the table. Who and What are we not receiving at the table? Is there a consequence that is unfavorable?

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