Tuesday, July 14, 2009

city of light and life

on a pilgrimage.. to a city of light and life. I love the idea of a pilgrimage. To set out on foot especially to find a treasure, not knowing what that treasure will be exactly, but confident that there is some to be found. While bathing, Pharoah's daughter found a Hebrew baby floating in a basket in the river. Jesus found the people of Bathsaida unreceptive to his call. (today's gospel rdg. from Matthew). What will I find today in my travels? I discovered the male and female parts of our zucchini plants this morning (after a tutorial from the horticulturist at the nursery yesterday) and now know that if we don't have insects pollinating the flowers, then we have to do it ourselves. We can use a paintbrush to transfer pollen from male to female. I'd rather the bees did it, but our shriveled vegetables might need our help. We're playing with the drip system too which wasn't delivering the right amount of water to our plants. Our travels through our days are no less spectacular or significant than the stories of those in Scripture... and I like being invited to think of them in that light. God is present in all of our life.... am I present to that truth?


Pete said...

I too love the idea of a pilgrimage because it means action! Action vs. inaction is always a struggle for me. It's (almost) always great to be out there but inertia is a reality.

Katie said...

thanks for responding, dear Pete!! let's keep moving in the spirit!