Sunday, July 26, 2009

feeding people

Today's gospel reading is taken from John. It's the one about feeding the five thousand. What struck me... it's Philip Jesus asks the question: how are we to feed all these people? My imagination is drawn to the scene the disciples and Jesus saw: as they stood higher on a hill looking over the valley they could see coming more and more people. What I find touching is that Jesus is concerned about feeding the people.. how will they feed them? There are so many.. is there food enough to provide for them all? That Jesus would give thought to that issue. The people will be hungry and they will need food. That seems to me to be such a basic question, doesn't it? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Let's begin there. We human beings ARE hungry every three or four hours, aren't we? For sustenance. Which includes food, community, love. If everyone arrives at the meal recognizing their hunger and their ability to feed another through their own humanity, no one will go hungry. What does that mean? I don't know, I think Jesus knew something we tend to want to forget. Pride. Fear. The usual culprits get in the way. Isn't there some expression like The Heavenly Banquet or The Great Banquet? Gotta look those up.

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