Matthew's gospel reading for today presents Jesus in his hometown, where the locals respond to his teaching with a "just who does he think he is?" attitude. Jesus says, "a prophet is not without honor except in his own native place and in his own house." As a consequence, Jesus is not able to reach the people of his own home town with his wisdom. Is it jealousy? a form of self-loathing? a healthy cynicism? Familiarity breeding contempt? Jesus Christ had a message that was a bold one.. and it seems that many people did recognize the wisdom in his words and in his actions. However, in Matthew's gospel, what seems to be the issue is the heart that refuses to listen... where am I refusing that shaft of light that wants to shine in my heart? (I'll take the answer off-line )
Pictured: on the road near Loch Lomond, Scotland -May, 2009