Monday, May 5, 2008

a native son comes home

Sr. Airman who lost his life in Afghanistan due to a roadside bomb came home today. He was flown in from Travis AFB to Buchanan airport in Concord this morning at 11:30 a.m. His parents and his only brother were there to greet his body. An Air Force honor guard was there to lift the casket and carry it to the waiting hearse. A group of half a dozen veterans were there to hold American flags as the casket was marched past the small group of family and friends. The military members stood at attention and saluted. The civilians stood quietly with hands over hearts and those who had served in the military saluted as his flag draped casket went by. His mother, who was being held up by her younger son and by a dear friend, blew kisses. Is there any way sufficiently appropriate to honor the life of a native son, 24 years old, whose life was taken by a weapon like an IED? Let us all remain "semper fi" to the covenants into which we have entered. What else can we do? Commend his soul to God.


Searching Soul (a.k.a Darleen Pryds) said...

a pray...pray fiercely, as if it really matters.

Terri said...

What can we do? I have no idea, except to pray. And live. And love each other. Above all else, love each other. I'm so impressed by our community and of the honor and dignity afforded to this fallen soldier who I counted as a second son. That he belonged to the Air Force Family which gave him such amazing respect makes me proud to be an American, and proud to honor our flag, which they held with such reverence. This kind of sincerity and sense of purpose inspires me to carry on to live and love and pray.