Friday, May 9, 2008

Let us Pray

This has been a week of letting go and saying goodbye. My parents returned to their home on Monday after a short visit. "Until we meet again." There was the funeral for our young airman on Tuesday. "A life snuffed out too soon." News about the execution in Georgia. "Respect Life." And reminders of the torture at Guantanamo perpetrated by our people. "Geneva Convention." Our third son took a job on Catalina Island for the summer so he will not be home. Pete listened to an economist in Sacramento ask the question:"Why are we building more prisons, paying prison guards $75,000 starting salary, and paying a starting teacher in our decaying public schools, half that?" Letting go of people and letting go of illusions about what passes for leadership... and again, I ask, what can I do? As my youngest said, once when he was about 4 years old, "Mom, mumembah? Pray? God?" With age comes forgetfulness, but also, comes enough losses and disappointment that one finally has to resort to the only One who ultimately cares and can do anything about it. Let us Pray.

1 comment:

Searching Soul (a.k.a Darleen Pryds) said...

I do so appreciate hearing of young children's pleas and yearnings to pray and know God or the Divine.