Friday, May 9, 2008

camper's delight

We're going to miss Robbie!!!!
Robbie is going to work at a camp on Catalina Island this summer. This is the effect he has on people. Can I just climb in your lap, Robbie, and suck my thumb? or can I just climb on your back, and you carry me around? or can I just lean on you? Since R doesn't like talking on the phone, or e-mailing, it makes it tough when he's not physically around. So, I'm just saying it now and probably a lot more, WE WILL MISS YOU ROBBIE! and we'll miss your wisdom, your good spatial and decorating sense, and your HUMOR and your cooking and your strength. and your willingness to play anything, cards, tennis, Risk, Settlers of Catan. I guess it is time we shared you.


Searching Soul (a.k.a Darleen Pryds) said...

Thanks for sharing the photos! I don't think I've ever seen the boys!

Alison said...

Test, test.