Friday, April 4, 2008

prayer buddies

Today I met with my small faith group... a group that changes color every time, because one of another of us can't make it due to life. Most of the members fall into the "retired" category, and ironically, seem to stay in one place less than the sun itself. It actually works out nicely in the sense that there's more room for individuals to share/talk as the group is rather small. I think we are enjoying group spiritual direction. We're mature enough that we are settled and quiet enough to really listen to the others' stories and just hold them. We know better than to try to provide solutions to problems or to need to tell an equivalent story from our own lives. Just listen. I am so grateful for my membership in this group.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Prayer buddies. I like that. I've enjoyed the faith groups I've been part of (I'm a soloist right now due to my new geographic situation), but I always sort of worried that in sharing, the conviction that the sharing related is interpreted as THE interpretation (whether from me or someone else) comes off as prophesy. Telling THE Truth instead of telling A Story. But if you are prayer buddies--well, that sure takes the pressure off, doesn't it?