Wednesday, April 16, 2008

global papa

My grandmother turns 100 in July. She lives in her own home and she has beautiful white hair which currently is hiding five staples she is sporting after a fall where she hit her head in the middle of the night on the television console. She doesn't watch television anymore, because she said "there's no one to watch it with." We don't have cable television currently, so I tuned into the USCCB on the web to see some videos of our pope visiting in the US. He has beautiful white hair too. There is a sweetness about both my grandmother and our pope and it is good for me to exposed to them. I visited my grandmother last week and today I got to see the pope. I'm feeling young and humbled.


Jennie said...

I think I'm going to visit Gammy in May. I asked her when she turned 90 if she would please move her 100th birthday to a cooler time of the year, but she didn't do it. I wonder if she'll watch television with me...

Terri said...

Ah, the things we can learn from those with white hair. Just think of the collective wisdom of just those two individuals - El Papa and Gammy. Two very different lives, and many years of experience. My own mother,with her white hair sits there, wisdom untapped. She solves her solo TV watching by actively engaging with the people on TV! I wonder if the pope has anyone to watch TV with...?