Saturday, October 23, 2010

raindrops and sea lions, oct. 23, 2010

We haven't seen any sea lions here at Sea Ranch, but we have seen geese flying south in big flocks, some disoriented in the heavy fog and we've seen flocks of ducks, and on the beach we'veseen the gulls of different sorts. We've seen lots of deer too. It was eery. Pete and I went for a walk along the bluffs and we could hear the geese honking overhead but we couldn't see them. They were really loud and incessant, but we couldn't see them for the longest time. They approachced, flew overhead and then were gone. We tried our best echolocation techniques... turning our ears like the deer do... no luck. Other geese came and we were able to see them. One group was quite ragtag... wandering wiggledy-piggledy across the sky, looking rudderless. The next flock were better organized and oriented. I felt sorry for the first group. They seemed a bit lost and a little anxious. I attributed it to the fog.. that they just couldn't see where they were going! I woke up in the middle of the night, per usual, heard the rain coming down. Started worrying about something. Had the wits to start praying the rosary... which brought me back to .. what?... that I'm not in charge of the universe and maybe if I rest in the one who is.. I can get oriented. As Julian of Norwich is famously quoted as saying: All will be well and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well. Something like that. Peace be with you, another famous quote...


Jennie said...

Let Go, Let God. Be still and know that I AM. Easy to come up with when fully awake!

Katie said...

ain't that the truth! maybe if I keep practicing it will become second nature... and then? faith will build upon faith and then? we'll be BFF.