Saturday, July 17, 2010

saturday, july 17, 2010

Never have I enjoyed packing for a trip as much as I have today. Pete and I hit the road early and ran all sorts of errands in preparation for our trip to Wales in one week. Haircuts, dry cleaning for wedding finery, travel stuffs like quick drying towels for the boys while they are staying in hostels in Ireland and Scotland, and then we came home and did a virtual pack. So nice to be doing it not in a panic late at night while exhausted. We could shuffle around the house and make lists and discuss things like the best way to pack five suit jackets, dress shirts and dress slacks. Then we made dinner with four of the five recommended courses from a menu for grilled salmon. It was fun because I did the asparagus and the Burgundy salad (a classic from Burgundy, France) while Billy grilled the salmon and Pete concocted the saffron risotto. There was a simple feta, pepper and honey first course served on crackers. The washing machine has been running non stop lately, so I took a break from that chore. There's more that needs doing! but I've packed what I'm taking and am NOT taking them out of the suitcase. It feels good to be getting well prepared. Keeping in mind, however, Rick Steves' encouragement to let go of expectations once the trip commences and to just see it all as part of the adventure. Good advice for life too eh? Serenity now.

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