Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

In today's gospel reading from John 14, Jesus says to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled." I remember the first time I "heard" this reading. Ahhhhhh. It didn't sound the same as "Don't worry". I'm reminded of when Jesus says to Peter "get behind me Satan" or words to that effect. When friends have discouraged me from doing what I felt called to do because they were afraid I'd get hurt, I have wanted to say "get behind me Satan". Sometimes, God equips us to do exactly what appears to others to be foolish, dangerous, and not worthwhile. It can seem to others to be a waste of time. Once, I considered going to our parish priest and telling him what I perceived to be the truth. Friends raised their voices and said "No! Don't Go!" I really had a deep sense that it was a good thing to do. They feared for me and had little faith in .... the truth? God? me? the priest? In the end, I didn't go and speak my truth. It's been long enough that I don't remember if events proved my friends right, but I remember distinctly the dilemma I was caught in. I would hope that now I would listen to Jesus when he says "Do not let your hearts be troubled." and persist in listening to and answering the call. It is precisely when fear or negative thoughts slip in to the situation that I can hearken to Jesus invitation "Do not let your hearts be troubled."

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Thanks, Katie, and AMEN! This is a little stronger (but harder to breathe in and out on) than the let go, let God mantra.