Wednesday, April 21, 2010

all are called to holiness

I listened to a blog video show this morning with Fr. Jim Martin, S.J. and the minister of a Unitarian Universalist Church in L.A., Peter Laarman. It was a spirited and respectful conversation between the two ministers centered on the topics of celibacy and chastity and the "hermetically sealed" clerical culture of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. It was an hour long discussion but well worth the listen. Among other things, they pointed out the kind of power wielded by Catholic sisters... on the front lines often working with those living in the margins (right where Jesus hung out) and many other holy people, priests, brothers, sisters and lay folk. One expression that Fr. Jim articulated I especially was taken with: "we are all called to be holy." Ah, yes. That. When I taught high school girls I liked the explanation for "holiness" that said... holiness comes from the same word as "whole"... God's hope for us is wholeness. Integrity, dignity, bearers of light and love. That is our identity as children of God. Need to be reminded of that, often.