Saturday, April 11, 2009

this day while the King sleeps

Janet Whitakker-Sullivan alluded to a song with the lyric "while the King sleeps" on her Facebook message. Today is the day that Jesus lay in the tomb, and his disciples were crushed. Because I know what comes tomorrow, I am not left to the darkest despair the fishers of men knew after the crucifixion. All of their hopes for a world of a new order--dashed. First, though, they lost their best friend, and to such a cruel cruel fate. I am drawn to think about their making of the meaning of it all as the hours ticked by. I understand they retreated to the upper room... in hiding, and surely in grief. What did they do? what did they say to one another? did Peter provide leadership even in those first hours? were some of them angry? struggling to make sense of what had happened. and the women? They needed to be near Him. So to the tomb they went. They would be the ones to be concerned about His body, and would be the ones who would want to tend to Him. The brotherhood had been broken, but for the women He was the one they loved, in particular, they loved HIM. It is right that they should be the ones to find Him and to report back to the men. He is risen! They would know it first. ... to be continued.

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