Friday, April 10, 2009

good friday

I am thinking about how courageous Jesus of Nazareth was. I think he was very very very very very very courageous. but it occurs to me that he was courageous from the beginning not just in these last days. He stood and acted in defiance of the established ways of thinking and acting from the beginning. His truth was a radical departure from what we would consider "smart". His presence was a challenge to the status quo and it was intoxicatingly liberating. that was probably really uncomfortable for people, to be set free, after a life of familiar burdens. For all those people he touched who were ill, possessed by demons, dying, dead, paralyzed, frozen in fear, doubting, questioning, and even those who were sure, like the rich young man, his presence, his words and actions, were miraculously transforming. He knew his impact on these individuals and so he knew what waves he was creating and consequently, knew where he was headed. Every day he knew where he was headed, I believe. Courage. That is why we call it the "Sacred Heart of Jesus". When was the last time I tapped into my own sacred heart ?

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