Wednesday, February 25, 2009

does this hurt your eyes?

Pete suggested that maybe I could make him a quilt. I said, okay, you pick out some fabrics and voila! This is what I came up with! This is only part of what will be a quilt about twice this big. It may be arranged differently too, depending on what surfaces in the other blocks. The name of this quilt is "Keyhole" or "Keyholes" which only my sister in law Amy made sense of for me. She said that it's like you're looking into a key hole and the eye is drawn down this corridor. OH! I like that a lot. I think looking at the quilt with your own eyes in person would even enhance this effect more. I have thoroughly enjoyed the process. The least appealing part is to come. Finishing it!

1 comment:

Alison's Recipes said...

That is really beautiful! It LOOKS inspired - like real art. You are very talented!