Wednesday, February 18, 2009

apricot tree says yes

It's February 18, 2009 and the apricot tree in our back yard is budding and blooming. These blossoms survived the days of rain we've had lately. They are almost too pretty to absorb for me. I heard an artist interviewed yesterday on the radio.. apparently a curmudgeon in his working days and as he approached death (he knew he was dying) he talked about how knowing he was going to die helped him live in the moment. So much of our lives, he said, we are robotic in our actions, and this, I add, probably helps us maintain some sanity and groundedness. But in our "unconsciousness" we are not able to appreciate the moment. It does pierce the heart to look closely at such a thing of beauty as the tiny pink and marroon blossoms on the apricot tree. It does stop me in my tracks. But, spring is happening here in Lafayette and it helps me love this place to stop and notice that fact. Life is all around me.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I see daffodils blooming here and I think "too soon! too soon!" I worry that they'll get zapped by a late snow, but they do it every year, silly things. I need to stop mothering them and just appreciate like you do!