Wednesday, February 11, 2009

hip problems

How come I feel alone in my health issues: painful hip, sore knee... I met a woman on the bike path yesterday who wanted to greet my dog. Danny IS darned cute. I almost immediately started whining about my hip and how the pain there has kept me from walking for the past 6 months. She also has hip pain, the result of running too many marathons, slight scoliosis, pounding the pavement for too many years. We had similar stories: x-rays, physical therapy, dr's.. she'd even had cortisone shots in her lower back to help with disc problems. Anyway, what I realize now is that my mother and grandmothers didn't have these complaints. They didn't play sports or "work out" and they were all thin. It'd be nice if our generation could pass on some wisdom about body health to the next. I wouldn't have missed rowing our 8 person boat for anything, but maybe running 10 miles on asphalt wasn't great for our bones, or our joints. What one thing would you share with the next generation of women about body health?

1 comment:

Alison's Recipes said...

Don't bake in the sun. Your behavior, not just your weight and shape, is largely affected by what you put in your body.

I'm so sorry you are hurting so much. Katie and Joe would recommend you read The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis. It is on my list.

And at the end, both grandmothers did suffer severe pain, for years. (If that makes you feel less lonely...)