Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tuesday, january 25, 2011

The memorial of St. Paul's conversion. Wow! Didn't know we had a day for that. but cool! Got knocked off the horse and had the original "Come to Jesus" meeting. Then, he made an about face and he couldn't be shut up! I love Paul!!! He's probably one of those guys you'd meet and think.. take a chill pill man! but look what he did! He wrote so many letters that make up more than half of the New Testament. Anyway, I'm not sure this is his day.. now that I think about it. but it was recently. Today I heard from three different young women talking about their experiences as young Catholic women... and their work to live out the faith as they know it. I was so proud of them! Articulate, passionate, living in that space that holds on to the faith but doubts and questions and challenges the institution. What they shared among other things: that young Catholics don't consider attending mass the hallmark of their faith. For most, they seek a connection between the faith and their lives. For most, service, community, social justice are the key elements of their faith lives. One 20 Something exhorted our assembly to be hospitable and to welcome and to be curious about others journeys. Music to my ears!!! Yes, catholic means universal.. and Catholic doesn't mean check your brain at the door (as my ex Jesuit professor once said) but means a whole lot more.. and there are many questions that need asking and pondering and answers to articulate oh so carefully. It is too precious to be misunderstood. Thank you to our guest speakers Jen, Helena and Katie.. and their book From the Pews in the Back.


Jennie said...

sometimes I go to mass and I suspend all critical thinking. I close my ears to all but the moment and just am (not I AM, just am). then I am not interested in a social message or where exactly I am in the line up. That hour with God and the community I stand beside and behind through the liturgies is the pin that sticks me to the catholic wall. Maybe I think that way because this mass is why I am not Lutheran today. ?

Katie said...

i'd love to talk more about this Jennie! I hang in there too because of that space you describe wherein I can just be.. our prayer space that says to our Lord, yes, I WILL remember you, and in community with others seeking redemption. ..and that love that knows no bounds.