Monday, January 17, 2011

st. anthony memorial, January 17, 2011

John Francis Hayes- 1993
One of the reasons I need to pray? To keep from relying on my own limited understanding of things. How many times have I thought I understood something, usually simply based on my intuitive understanding, and then discovered that I was missing some important facts But! for my mind's sake, I fill in the blanks, in order to neatly tie some knots, wrap up beautifully in paper and ribbon, the story so that I can live with it. So, in praying I can better live "in faith" , in suspension as I can not know all about all and can trust that there is a greater power at work while I do what I am supposed to be doing. Ugh. What a lesson! Maybe this is the way I can be brave today! Take a leap!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I am leaping with you, a couple of days late. Today I was dozing on my bed with my tissue box and must've been wrestling some issue because I thought, "Well, I guess this is in your hands, God." And that woke me right up. I guess? Leaping now...