Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

John, #22, blocking.
Persevere. What a great word. I feel like that's gotta be a favorite with Life Coaches, or any coaches for that matter. In today's gospel, Jesus warns the disciples that they will be betrayed by all, including family. How can that be? Well, I've done it myself to the people I love. When I've challenged a decision they're making because I know better, or I think I do. I've been on the receiving end of that kind of challenge, too. When I was out of college I told my mother I was thinking about volunteering with the Jesuit Volunteers and she said, "oh, no, you don't want to do that! You should just get a job and start paying off your loans!" and I thought, well, I really do want to volunteer, but she's my mother and what do I know! I deeply regret that I listened to her and that I didn't seek out other advice. I ended up working for a crooked lawyer in downtown Oakland and honestly I can say that I didn't gain anything from that experience. In fact, it was a loss. What is the take away from this experience? If there is something that one feels called to? Persevere. Don't let someone else puncture your dream.. especially so easily! Listen to the One who speaks in that still small voice and hearken. Therein lies Real Life. It takes some practice though... listening and acting. Another facet of this whole dynamic is that sometimes it has been precisely because someone has challenged me that I have become clearer about what it is I am called to. So, I guess I have many people to thank for that too!

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