Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Afterthought and Fellowship

It occurred to me while folding laundry and my ponderings about trees and their growing in all seasons, that a good question I might ask is: how would I like to grow? or would God like me to grow? and then I started thinking about my experience at the San Leandro Costco today. I met Pete for lunch in San Leandro where he's taking cable splicing class in prep for the AT&T strike in April. I had a friendly encounter with a middle aged African American woman in the towel aisle. She and I both hoisted a large pkg of kitchen hand towels to buy and agreed that we didn't need this many (10) kitchen towels, but that we would share with our friends and relatives. Then it came out that hers were for her mother, who keeps kitchen towels well beyond their decent looking stage. Why, oh why, do our mothers do that? Mine does it too! It's pitiful! Her mother won't use "fancy" or "cute" towels, so she would be giving her mother the plain muted colored ones.-beige, dark green. We had a good laugh (at our mothers' expense) and it felt very human. I celebrate this event because it has been SO long since I've had a free, human encounter with my African American sisters and brothers. I credit the election of our brother Barack Obama with this happy encounter. I am moved to tears at this development. Thank God Almighty! free at last!


Robbie said...

whadja get at costco?

Katie said...

Robbie, I got kitchen towels, a bottle of sauvignon blanc, toilet paper, ... I only spent $64 which has to be a new record. I'm not interested so much in their food... it's not organic, free range, pesticide free, seasonal, local.. ya know.