Wednesday, January 21, 2009

falling in love

I think I'm falling in love. Driving home tonight I started thinking about the joy on Yo Yo Ma's face as he played his cello at the inaguration yesterday. Irresistible, that kind of joy. Infectious. I started thinking about other men and women I've seen that joy filled doing a thing... dancing, singing, playing music, speaking.. that kind of total engagement.. hitting the baseball out of the park... I tried falling in love with my baseboards as I tenderly brushed them with the paint and brush... it really helped! .. I had no trouble at all falling in love with our babies. They were irresistible. So, falling in love? I know people who are love with the whole world... Andrew Wyeth ws described by a friend as that.. and it was because of his insatiable curiousity, partly, acc. to his friend. Then, i thought of Jesus of Nazareth, a living God! Tried to summon a real flesh and bone human being in my imagination... and what a friggin genius he was, he must have been! If I had Mary Magdalene's genius I would have recognized him truly for who he was. I'm not sure I'm Mary Magdalene. In fact, I'm sure I'm not! but in my own quiet way, I'd like to be....

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