Saturday, December 6, 2008

What time is it? Time to buy a new watch. I set up the nativity scene. One person is missing. I hid Him .. uh oh, where did I hide him? He's not very hidden, in fact. I think he's still in plain sight not far from His crib. The local pastor is discouraging all things Christmas UNTIL Christmas. So, far now, we are celebrating Advent, dadgumit! I have to admit that part of the thrill of Christmas (and I don't want to rob myself of that thrill) is all the preparation and anticipation and expectation leading up to the birth of the Savior. So, by not putting the baby Jesus in the manger YET, I am setting myself up for the thrill of Christmas. There have been a few Christmases where that thrill was earth shattering. I am hoping still to access that profound realization... the miracle. BUT I KNOW WHAT'S COMING! a part of me says. Yea, but maybe there's a new miracle in this Christmas. Maybe I'll pray for that. Which brings me back to the "new watch". I will keep watch and hope to see that He "makes all things new".

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Merry advent! Peace and joy of the season. It annoys me when the pastor gets up there and tells us to take Advent for what it is and to not build up the season. That usually happens right before somebody else gets up and announces practices for the Christmas cantada and the children's Mass and asks for volunteers to make costumes, and the Advent Wednesday night series, bring dessert to share...not just a little wary/weary, huh? Hoo-boy. Merry Advent, Katie!