Monday, December 8, 2008

twinkle twinkle little star

Did you see Jupiter and Venus with the moon last week? WOW! Okay, this is embarassing, but I used to wonder about that star that the shepherds followed to discover the Christ Child. No, seriously, how could anyone follow a star?They all looked the same to me. Last week's celestial show was startling and left me standing with mouth agape. Now that's a star!! So, now I've seen with my very own eyes, that yes, one could follow a star, because sometimes they are exceedingly bright. I am so grateful to have that insight. It is profoundly different to see with ones own eyes what one has heard described by another. How does one know the love of God if one hasn't experienced it? how many people have no experience of an unconditional, always- forgiving love? and therefore can not imagine what love the Father has for us?and of course, even if one has had the experience, how easy is it to forget what is divine? What can one do? I guess I could look at the stars and be reminded of that one that guided the shepherds... what do you do? to stay reminded.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Hey Katie, The Vatican has a telescope on Mt Graham in Tucson, manned by Jesuits. For lots of reasons, I suppose, but also because God reveals himself through creation. And what makes you think about creation more than the night sky? Anyway, when I drove to work in the morning, if the sun was positioned right and the sky was the right level of clear and I looked at exactly the right place, I could see the observatory. At other times of the day or with distraction on my part, it wasn't visible. But it was still there. Kind of like God's love--sometimes you can wave your arm in the general direction and say "it's out there somewhere" and sometimes you can say "how could you miss THAT?" Whether you see it or not, it's there! Very comforting...