Sunday, December 28, 2008

feat of the holy family

Christmas Day we spent with family. and on this day at the family party, the Hayes Boys provided entertainment for Cousin Claire's first born, Anthony, who is 2 years old, or shall I say Anthony provided entertainment for the Big Boys. Oh ,to see life through the eyes of a 2 year old. Today is the Feast of the Holy Family.. the homilist talked about the role of the family in our lives. "The family is where our dark side has a hard time hiding." Yep, that is true. What hasn't been modeled for me is how to address that dark side in love. So, how to do it? One thing that occurs to me is that we mustn't be afraid of the dark side. I consulted Robbie on this and his wise words: "What can you do?" Pray for one another... St. Benedict has a lot to say on this matter too.... forgive one another, be patient, love one another. No mean feat! In fact, it is the meanest feat! and the most imperative.

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