Friday, December 19, 2008

roses in december

There are still roses are one bush out back. They even survived the freezing temps of the past few nights. Pretty durable. Like us human beans. Thinking about the baby born and laid in a manger because he didn't have a safe home. What he had? a mother's love, a father's protection and some people who recognized him as heaven sent. ... the shepherds, the wise men, and I'll include the donkey and the cattle lowing. Some people who caught wind of his arrival recognized him for who he was. But what made him durable? He knew who he was. The son of the most high. Nothing could or would deprive him of that dignity. He knew who he was. Even born in a manger, running with his family to a foreign land to escape Herod. He knew who he was. I participated in an Advent meditation a few wks ago and I heard from one of the gospels the remark that some people recognized Him. The moment I heard that sentence it struck me: how fortunate I feel to be among them. When you look the newborn Christ child in the eye, what do you see?

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