Monday, February 22, 2010

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Feb. 22

From today's psalm reading: "Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side With your rod and your staff that give me courage." I'm trying to imagine being a sheep or a lamb and looking to my shepherd to protect me. What must it be like to feel that you are being tended like that? Am I being looked out for in that way? I have a doctor who cares about me. I have a spiritual director who cares about me. Both give me good advice. I have a pilates instructor who is knowledgeable and a great teacher. Pete's been leading us in our effort to eat better and exercise. I have one friend who is quick to challenge me if I'm using fuzzy logic or making excuses for bad decisions. She's an engineer and doesn't tolerate soft thinking. These are some of the people who shepherd me. I seldom am challenged to dig deep for a spiritual shepherd. Generally, my circumstances allow me to float along ... but it's Lent and now's my chance to do that considering. Where am I called to seek pastoring? a little re-direction provided by a shepherd's crook or staff? Oh, I know.. I'll take the answer off-line. My conscience just kicked in!! I'm thinking there must be a reconciliation opportunity coming up.

For all shepherds, that they may be sustained in their duties.

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