Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Robbie says "wow!, have you noticed how many girls hang out in front of Peet's? Jamba juice? El Ballazo?" He'd had to walk through the birds chirping (he slipped and said they were birds) to make his lunch purchase as I got my delicious frozen yogurt at the new Yogurt Shack in downtown Lafayette. He scampered down the corridor toward me looking for all his life as one seeking an escape. i don't know if it was the volume that got to him or just the spectacle of so many young women or what. I offered, yep, that's what women seek: connection and usually of the talking variety. Not all women are like that, but a lot are. Which is what I love about women! They like to give voice to what they know, experience, see. That need can result in a lovely web of shared information, support, feedback and sometimes challenge. It is in that shared information that women glean what it is they can offer to others to support, nurture and caretake. (Again, not all women are like this.) In younger women, maybe the talking serves another purpose: it helps the growing girl find her voice? Ah, if that were nurtured and supported... good stuff happens! but it isn't easy.. I'm remembering being a growing girl and observing the dynamic within girl groups... not always easy, sometimes icky, but when good, awesome loveliness abounded. I pray that our growing girls find mostly loveliness in their girl worlds.

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