Monday, June 29, 2009

fans are blowing

our windows are wide open to all the sounds of summer. Our bachelor neighbor is revving up his scooter. The college kids are cruising into the driveways with their music blaring. Birds are still chirping.. last gasps before the sun is down completely. Pete and the boys are tying up the tomato plants to stakes for support. We harvested more of the zucchini and squash. Steamed them right away for peak flavor and nutrition. We just signed up for U-verse... a service provided by AT&T.. which will connect us to television stations again. We've been disconnected for 9 months or so and are ambivalent about all the worlds we are inviting back into our house. BUT, we're excited to have access to A's baseball and PBS and Wimbledon tennis and other good stuff. We will reacquaint ourselves with the mute button and be careful about when the boob tube is on. It has been a wonderful hiatus. I've found I prefer reaidng about the news from a few select sources and am content with listening to the News Hour on the radio. It's time for a walk.. to feel the wind blowing in my hair and listen to the leaves rustling on the trees. I'll leave the fan to blow in solitude, and do its task of cooling the house. A house that I hope won't be taken over by television. btw: these are a pair we greeted on a walk in Edinburgh. Note the kilt and good cheer.

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