Friday, July 25, 2008

so sad to say a final goodbye

Robbie just called from the ferry from Catalina Island to Long Beach on his way to get a root canal in Torrance... long story. He called to tell me that "remember that professor who gave his final lecture...." We stumbled around a while trying to communicate... oh, yeah. I went to look on -line and then Robbie remembered his name: Pausch? and then I knew why Robbie was calling. I am so sad that Randy Pausch has really left us. He warned us and he left so much of himself behind.. and to those of us in cyberspace, his final lecture too. He was such a generous soul. I pray for peace for his family and for safe travels as he enters eternity. Thank you for sharing your life and your spirit with all of us. It's going to take a bit to say goodbye. I still wasn't ready for you to leave this earth.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Like soldiers in battle, cancer patients share an indescribable bond. I lost a brother today whose spirit through it all gave inspiration to those of us living with our own crosses to bear. A prayer of thanksgiving for his life...