Wednesday, May 13, 2009

tommy is 25 years old

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOMMY! Thomas Patrick Hayes was born May 13, 1984, Mother's Day. which meant I became a mother in the nick of time that year. I remember looking at him, all 7 lbs and 11 ounces of him in his isolette next to my hospital bed and just being amazed at this wholey, holy new person now in the world. and he was a PERSON. His own self. We'd read books about baby care and seen videos, but we had no idea that we were about to meet a PERSON and a brand new one, heretofore never seen on this green earth. His perspective, his lens on things new and different. His needs new and different. His gifts new and different. We have been, all our parenting lives, been so blessed to be witness to Tommy's blessed young life. Especially noteworthy, his zeal for connection, for getting out there, for qualities he embodies and lives: wisdom, humility, generosity and wit. God bless you Tommy, every day, as you have blessed ours. Via Con Dios! Bonne Anniversaire! Let the Festivus begin! to your party we've invited the entire Castanza family, okay? and Elaine for the dancing.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Happy, happy birthday and Happy, happy mothers' day!