Friday, March 28, 2008

what now brown cow?

Standing ironing, thinking about what this time in between is about. The time between the Resurrection and the time when the Holy Spirit was received by the disciples and the Church was inaugurated. Why so long between? Imagine the disciples's whole selves absorbing within days and then weeks the crucifixion and then that devastation and then the resurrection and its unsurpassing joy. Then encountering Our Lord in their lives still. We are in the midst of that time. and it brings to me the awareness that this is the time to absorb the truth that life depends on God's mercy and that we can't live without Him. That life lived in the awareness of both the cross and the stone turned away and the empty tomb changes everything. No wonder I'm a little dizzy. The type and the color and la langue has changed. We must be patient with one another. We're suffering from spiritual spring fever.


Searching Soul (a.k.a Darleen Pryds) said...

I think this period between easter and Pentecost is all about digesting...coming to grips with what has happened. At least I think that was what it was all about for the disciples...but for us? What do we do come Easter Week? Most of us just back to everyday life without the state of stunned awe the disciples had. If they lived today, they'd be saying in these weeks, "Are you kidding me??" We're (read: I am) more likely to say that over the results of NCAA basketball tournament...

Terri said...

In my natural tendancy to want to fix things NOW, these 50 days make me stop, take a step back (always good advice) and take it all in. This Season allows time for joy, hope, confusion, wondering what I am to do with this death and empty tomb, what I am to do as a leader as well as a follower. This time must have been a lifetime for the disciples. Would I have been that patient?