Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sinners All

There's a lot of talk about sin lately. There's the governor of NY who's in big trouble right about now. There's the 7 new sins ineptly described by the media. What a surprise there. The sin of abuse by the Catholic clergy, the cost of which is untolled. I wrote my son a letter today thanking him for something he did about two years ago. He pointed out to me a sin of which I am guilty. He didn't use the word sin, but essentially that's what it is. You're dying to know what it is? maybe if you know me, you can take a wild guess. Anyway, I am truly thankful to him for pointing it out to me and I don't think it was really easy for him. What kid likes to tell his mother that she's coming up short? BUT, I heard him and am trying with the grace of God and the blessing he conferred by pointing out my "fault", to be aware of when I'm tripping into the red zone again. What if we did that for eachother more often, out of love for eachother? Maybe I could write a book: The Gentle Art of Pointing Out Eachother's Sin.