from "Skyspace", Pomona College, artist James Turrell
When I was little and I heard the phrase Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit or Holy Trinity I was kinda confused. but also intrigued. I like the word "holy" and refuse to allow it's snarky use to adulterate my sense of it. It sounds lit up... whole... glowing w/ goodness (we've all met people like that) and oddly, to me, grounded. When I was little, I didn't have any associations with the dove that symbolized the Holy Ghost or tongues of fire that hovered over the disciples on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was with Mary and voila, she conceived. Hmm? Today is the feast of the Holy Trinity. That one still eludes me. Father, Son, and Spirit. How about Mother, Daughter and Spirit? I don't have anything against fathers and sons. Perhaps I can see in that trio an association that is so close.. that of parent and child and the love that exists there in that relationship. I am blown away continually by the similarity of parents and their children... fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, in particular blows me away. But, essentially I am amazed by genetics. By how a daughters eyes look EXACTLY like her father's or a son's feet look just like his mother's, only bigger. The way parent and child think in a similar way... all of it!
So, as Jesus incarnates his father... whom we can not see... he reveals to us the nature of God... and the Spirit? that love that informs their activity in the world. Does that make sense? this is where I am stymied. How would you describe the Holy Spirit? and the Holy Trinity?