MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011
April 11, 2011 Monday

Only one more week of Lent left before Holy Week. Thanking God for this time set apart for quiet and paying attention. Where is my heart? Where is my mind? Friday and Saturday of this week we spent a lot of time in a gymnasium down in Santa Clara. We watched a lot of really good volleyball. At one point, though, I noticed hanging on the wall, high up on the gym's wall hung a crucifix. A little anachronistic in that room full of people and flying volleyballs, sweat and game play calling. It looked like Jesus was there up high doing his thing.. dying.. while we all carried on with this pursuit. I think Jesus wore a blue loin cloth. So he stood out a little more than the usual all flesh and earth tones. There he was quietly dying high up on the gym wall. But what he was doing? was pouring out God's love on all of us. as we watched and played volleyball on a blustery Saturday afternoon at Bellarmine High School in San Jose, California. One of John's friends said,"Hey, what's that?" referring to the crucifix. It worked!