Thursday, April 2, 2009

consider the lilies

Emily Dickinson wrote to her cousins "Consider the lilies is the only commandment I ever obeyed." Were I the Creator, I would be exceedingly pleased if my children took the time to "consider the lilies". It would break my heart, yes, when they broke the other commandments, but if they never saw the beauty of creation and weren't touched by it, I would be greatly pained. I'm reminded of several quilts I made and gave as gifts. The recipients hardly batted an eye in recognizing, at the very least, the effort involved in my creations. That was a hard pill to swallow. I've learned since to be more discriminating as to whom I give quilts.
I could be in a constant state of overwhelmsion if I stopped to admire the genius of creation. ALL AROUND ME! it is what brings me back to the gift we have in life. " Look what love the Father has bestowed on us, by calling us children of God. For that is what we are!" and all creation is shouting for joy. I was given a bouquet of daffodils last Saturday and they are still glowing in their milk bottle. It's hard to feel Lenten with all creation shouting for joy. We will be entering into The Passion this Sunday. Oh, the agony! but atleast we'll be in it together.

1 comment:

Alison's Recipes said...

I hope I'm not one of those who looked at the quilt and said "oh, thanks." As you know, it is front and center in our family room, and I look at it every day, and love it more. And love that You did it for Me. You the Creator, me the Beloved. And thank you and love it.