Wednesday, January 5, 2011

january 5, 2011

It's my father's birthday and he's 77 years young. and he is young. Also, noteworthy, in my mind is the fact that I believe he's the very same person he was when he was born 77 years ago.. to a young 21 year old mother. her one and only baby as it turned out. He is as certain now as he was then that he is the most adorable fellow and he considers himself very lucky... his nickname in college was "Lucky Riegel". He wasn't even Irish! but he married one, much to the dismay of his relatives. Oh well. I keep hearing of stories where the families have disapproved of their child's choice for life partner. I guess it's an age old story. Anyway, I'm digressing. 77 Sunset Strip, Daddy says. No longer 76 Trombones. What to make of a father who's 77 years in the flesh? I can't believe it.. In my mind, he is about 45 maybe. and I think he always will be. He'll always have the same soft ears and merry eyes. He'll always have the same flat feet and firm and friendly handshake and solid hug. I know I'm lucky to still have him around. It would even better if he lived closer than a 2 1/2 day drive away ...Happy Birthday, Robert Witherspoon Riegel. I hear that your mother had a rough time raising you, but that you think she enjoyed it? Hah! Great birthday card this year! Cheers!

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