Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving, in anticipation of the feast

We gather today, Lord of abundant life, as grateful children. Delighted and humbled by our bounty, we celebrate gifts of food and shelter, of colors that dance at dawn and dusk; we relish the scent of cooking foods, of burning leaves and summer's wet grass, of snowflake, of animal fur. We marvel at the intricacy of spiders' webs and fish bones, newborn babies and lines etched on faces of grandparents come for a visit today. All gifts from Your hand. When our meal is completed, leftovers stashed, and naps taken, we will leave replete, energized, and eager to go generously into the world and share our good fortune.

I did not write this. I found it on I think I will make it a point though, of writing my own prayer of thanks... which will be a long long list, and I know will bring me to tears.


Jennie said...

I was really impressed when I thought you'd written that prayer yourself. I will try to write one, too.

Alison's Recipes said...

I love the picture you chose to go with it.