Thursday, October 1, 2009

october first, two thousand nine

and it feels like fall... a cool breeze is blowing, the sky is clear and appears farther away. Is that the angle of the sun? I love this time of year. it's my birthday month!! I remember being young and the deep joy I felt on my birthday. It meant we had spaghetti for dinner and a birthday cake. I got presents which always surprised the socks off of me. My cup runneth over! I really miss that feeling... of being young and things surprising the socks off me. I remember when Pete and I got engaged, that was a day that surprised me. For some reason, we hadn't really thought about or talked about getting married. We were talking about what were doing.. and Pete said, well, I thought we'd get married. WHAT?? A wholly new idea that changed my life!! and would forever. Dec. 11th goes down in infamy as the happiest day of my life. Is it greedy to wish for more of those days? My friend Sally shared a provocative question: what ARE the ten happiest days of your life? It's a fun one to ponder and kinda tough. But worth pondering... among other things, it brings me to gratitude. Thank you.
here are Robbie and Martha.. in an earlier water polo season... so much chlorine!

1 comment:

Pete said...

Katie - Here are some of my candidates for happiest days:
1. The day we got engaged!
2. The day we were married - particularly the felling as we drove away from the reception.
3-6. The days the boys were born, but I think I was so tired I couldn't fully appreciate the moment.
7. The first time we went hiking at Pt. Reyes.
8. The first time I went backpacking without adults - probably 1971 in the Trinity Alps with Uncle Karl, Scott Cadenasso, and Tom Eustice.
9. The day we found our appartment in Berkeley.
10. The first day you kissed me.