Wednesday, September 2, 2009


" like a green olive tree in the house of God, Trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." (from Psalm 52, from today's liturgy) I like this image of a tree in the house of God. and not just any tree, but a green olive tree. I'm not sure at all what the psalmist was saying here. but like poetry it probably says more than what I can glean, but perhaps what it does say to me is still valuable.

I have my own associations with green olives, but I believe I've heard that for people of the psalmist's time and place olives and olive oil were life enhancing foods. Without it life would have been paltry. So, there sits the olive tree in the house of God.. providing shade for people who've come to pray, a resting place for birds, offering its fruit for picking. Those things are gifts and speak of a merciful God, a God who cares about his creation... us.. and provides for it. Is the tree trusting in God... ? it's just being a tree and doing what olive trees do...

Olive trees are pretty too... it's branches are graceful and hmmm, isn't an olive branch a symbol of peace. That sounds pretty merciful.

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