Wednesday, May 20, 2009

can't get enough of these roses

I'm gonna miss our roses while we're gone. I'm gonna miss John and Tommy and Danny while we're gone. But John and Tommy and Danny will still be themselves when I get back and the roses will have dropped from the bushes. I could go "all Emily Dickinson" about this... but I think that might lead to insanity or bizarre behavior. I already kinda like the idea of wearing the same outfit every day.. and I wouldn't mind a white dress. Easy to bleach. and I'm becoming more reclusive the older I get. Uh oh. No worries, as people say. I have too many anchors to allow an escape into these avenues of abstraction. BUT, I do loves roses.. who will love them while I am gone? Maybe Danny will notice them when he's out barking at the squirrels.

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